Moon-Pil Shim
À propos de l'artiste
The work of Moon-Pil Shim reveals itself precise and lineal to the very first glimpse. The colour reflects itself on the white surfaces of his last compositions. Cutter lines are crossing over the boxes, they engrave the whiteness or the colour of the painted Plexiglas, nearly invisible, the trace is sharp. After the straightness of the line, the curve appears, the colour reveals shortly itself in the bottom of the box in a balance movement from left to right and reverse.
Born in 1958 in Daegu South Korea
Works and lives in France
Latest main exhibitions :
- 2009 Centre d’art Dominique Lang, Dudelange, Luxembourg
- 2013 L’abbaye de Saint-Michel de Cuxa, Codalet (IN SITU 2013, Patrimoine et Art contemporain)
- 2014 Art Park, Séoul
- 2022 Art Park, Séoul
Works in museums and public collections – State commands :
- Fonds Municipal d’Art Contemporain - Ville de Paris
- Ville de Dudelange, Luxembourg
- Seoul Museum of Art, Séoul
- 1% artistique, école Saint-Vincent de Paul, Marseille
- 1% artistique, centre culturel l’Odyssée, Dol de bretagne